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Home / Poetry / Tales from the Limestone by Josh Oster

Tales from the Limestone by Josh Oster


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In your hands you hold my heart, my soul spilled onto pages with memories of loss, of pain, of healing from the mountainside of West Virginia.


“Steeped in music, color, and images of the natural world, Oster’s poetry provides windows into moments — glimpses of emotions, of life and love, of fear and grief, of heartbreak and triumph. A stunning debut, in these poems you can hear a musician’s voice singing a song that will resonate in some way with every reader. — Jessica Salfia, author of 55 Strong: Inside the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike.


“Josh Oster’s poetry captures the intangible experience of being Appalachian. His work is hopeful, but colored by grief and despair. Those conflicting emotions are part of the Appalachian experience; Josh captures those feelings in this collection. — Robert Dugan, author of A Stranger Among Us: A Novel of the West Virginia Opioid Crisis.

SKU: 1088109640 Category:




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